AEX Ranbats - 3s archive

Your point of reference is, as usual:

3s Season 3 - Milan
  1. Fran
  2. LUN
  3. Valmaniac
I think we're done with ranbats forever.

3s Season 2 - Milan
  1. Fran
  2. LUN
  3. SpinalBlood
  4. Valmaniac
  5. LEVA
  • Full results, videos, etc.
  • LEVA did the same as previous season, placing better
  • Rushing Monkey attended just a few tournaments to focus on SF4
  • no commentary and bad quality videos this time

3s Season 1 - Milan
  1. Rushing Monkey
  2. Fran
  3. LUN
  4. Sherlock
  5. Mitsu
  • Full results, videos, etc.
  • LEVA attended 3 tournaments and won all 3, placing 6th
  • Sherlock is a chinese player trasferred in Milan to study
  • every tournament was recorded with direct feed and epic commentary
  • 1st and 3rd place were decided at the very last tournament