
Yang matchups chart

K.O recently posted something really interesting on the best 3rd Strike blog in the world. It's a matchups chart for Yang based on the opinion of the best Yang players around:

     ロシ氏    フロ氏      2代目トル王   トルネコ
CH  2:8   3:7    3:7     3.5:6.5
YU   4:6    4:6     4:6     4:6
KE   3:7    4:6     4:6     4.5:5.5
DU   4:6    4.5:5.5  3.5:6.5   4:6
UR   4:6    4.5:5.5  5:5     4.5:5.5
MA   4:6    4:6     4.5:5.5   5:5
GO   5:5    6:4     5.5:4.5   6:4
RY   4:6    5:5     6:4      6:4
OR   5:5   5.5:4.5   6:4      5.5:4.5
EL   4:6    5:5     5.5:4.5   5:5
AL   6:4    5.5:4.5   6:4     5.5:4.5
IB   6:4    6:4     6.5:3.5   6:4
HU   6:4    5.5:4.5   6:4     5.5:4.5
Q   6:4    5:5     6:4     5.5:4.5
RE   6:4    6.5:3.5  6:4     7.5:2.5
NE   5:5    5.5:4.5  6:4     5.5:4.5
TW   7:3    8:2     7:3     7.5:2.5
SH   6:4    7:3     7:3     7:3

I know it's messy, but whatever. It works. The players are:

ロシ氏 = Roshihikari 
フロ氏 = Furo
2代目トル王 = Tokura
トルネコ = K.O

Don't mind the silly nicknames (Toruneko, 2nd generation Toruneko, something like that), it's them. Tokura recently entered Genki Cup as Nidaime Toruneko, and K.O as far as I know used Toruneko in the past.

Bottom line: Roshi, why so much hate? Lol...

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