
ICL 2 weekend

I was asked again to be the admin of Inferno Cyber League. Last time was a blast and it's always great to work with Inferno eSports, so of course I agreed.

So last Saturday I arrived in Milan and met Fran and Togo at some station. We headed to Steve's where the versus city equipped with... My 3rd Strike on PS2 was waiting for us. It's always great to get the cab feeling here in our arcade wasteland, but I gotta say that the time to adapt to the controls and the huge-monitor-in-your-face is just too much. Too much for just some hours of play, of course. I'm looking forward to get used to that when in Japan, actually, because that's THE WAY to play... Anyway, more news on that little thing I just mentioned coming soon.
After hanging out a bit, playing again and stuff like that we eventually met LEVA at Fran's, so basically we had a full night of 3rd Strike which was way, way more than awesome. "I VIDEOS MENTONO", btw.

Whatever, after a grand total of 3 hours of sleep (second day in a row, pretty much), it was time to move to Monza for the SSFIV tournament. It went down like this:
1) Sean
2) Shirl
3) Sciedi
4) BlackHole 85
5) Leva
6) Rushing Monkey
7) Padsi
8) Kelgar

It was fun, smooth and the level was pretty high. I won't go into much details, except for the fact that the tournament was OUTDOOR. The sun was pretty much beasting on us, so that's something to try again on a slightly cooler season, but it definitely has some potential, along with many obvious issues.
Oh, by the way, lurking AEX you'll find pictures, videos and results summed up in a post... Sooner or later.

Whatever. Other things to talk about? Japan, MOV, Tougeki, Continuum Shift etc.
But I know I'll be too lazy for all of them.

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